Nature conservation through sustainable use


Dinara back to LIFE aims to protect and restore dry grassland habitats and their characteristic species in Natura 2000 network sites in the Dinara Mountains of Croatia. In addition to professional conservation activities for dry grasslands restoration, such as planned grazing, controlled burning and other tasks, our objective is to revive and protect its nature.

Project value (mil. €)
Project partners
Team members

Project area

In order to bring back life and pastures to the Dinara area, the “Dinara back to LIFE” project will restore overgrown grasslands and work on creating institutional requirements for their future sustainable management as well as promote livestock farming as a nature preserving traditional activity.


The activities planned for the next three years are not intended as a one-time event with no follow up. Their launch is just the beginning of a long-term idea about sustainable management of Mount Dinara in order to continuously provide us with its natural resources.

Dinara back to life


Površina (ha): 4279.86
Stanista: Diverse habitats (62A0; 6170)
Ptice: Emberiza hortulana


Površina (ha): 2396.53
Staništa: Diverse habitats (62A0; 6170)
Ptice: Emberiza hortulana


Površina (ha): 36.66 Staništa: 62A0; 6210*

Ježevicka Suhopolja

Površina (ha): 442.32
Staništa: Very dry low grasslands overgrowing with juniper (62A0)
Ptice: Calandrella brachydactylla; Burhinus oedicnemus

Kijevsko Suhopolje - Validžici

Površina: 588.35
Staništa: Very dry low grasslands overgrowing with juniper (62A0)
Ptice: Calandrella brachydactylla

Travnjaci Eremophila

Površina (ha): 4134.11
Staništa: Diverse habitats (62A0; 6170)


Površina (ha): 311.76
Staništa: Diverse habitats (62A0)

Dinara - the Natura 2000 Ecological Network

This richness of hidden life was finally recognized as Croatia joined the EU. Dinara was proclaimed a Natura 2000 site, both as a Special Protection Area (SPA), and Site of Community Importance (SCI). Such protection status is flattering and important, especially because it brought international recognition of its natural values. The protection under Natura 2000 ecological network set a foundation for us to safeguard and protect Dinara’s natural values, for their importance for global biodiversity, and for all the benefits for human life and the wellbeing of its inhabitants.

Dinara - the Natura 2000 Ecological Network

This richness of hidden life was finally recognized as Croatia joined the EU. Dinara was proclaimed a Natura 2000 site, both as a Special Protection Area (SPA), and Site of Community Importance (SCI). Such protection status is flattering and important, especially because it brought international recognition of its natural values. The protection under Natura 2000 ecological network set a foundation for us to safeguard and protect Dinara’s natural values, for their importance for global biodiversity, and for all the benefits for human life and the wellbeing of its inhabitants.

Coexistence with nature

Special attention will be given to the bird species dependent on the Dinaric habitat type. They are ortolan bunting, short-toed lark and stone-curlew. Apart from creating important and quality institutional conditions for nature conservation, emphasis is also given on involvement of the local population. Within this project, the idea is to provide strong support for development of agricultural activities and tourism services whose values are based on coexistence with nature.

Coexistence with nature

Special attention will be given to the bird species dependent on the Dinaric habitat type. They are ortolan bunting, short-toed lark and stone-curlew. Apart from creating important and quality institutional conditions for nature conservation, emphasis is also given on involvement of the local population. Within this project, the idea is to provide strong support for development of agricultural activities and tourism services whose values are based on coexistence with nature.


lat. Burhinus oedicnemus

lat. Calandrella brachydactyla

lat. Emberiza hortulana

Natura 2000 code: 6210

Natura 2000 code: 62A0

Livestock farming on mount Dinara

Mount Dinara has a long tradition of livestock farming without even using the word livestock but blago, meaning ‘treasure’ in Croatian language, what clearly defines its value to local population. The highest zone of Mount Dinara does not consist of steep peaks but of rounded hills, in colloquial speech called heads. This quite accessible terrain was ideal for livestock breeding because shepherds could pass through easily.


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Visit by LIFE Program Representatives

Last week “Dinara back to LIFE” had a joint visit with the representative of CINEA (The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency), our project

Livestock farming on mount Dinara

Mount Dinara has a long tradition of livestock farming without even using the word livestock but blago, meaning ‘treasure’ in Croatian language, what clearly defines its value to local population. The highest zone of Mount Dinara does not consist of steep peaks but of rounded hills, in colloquial speech called heads. This quite accessible terrain was ideal for livestock breeding because shepherds could pass through easily.

About project

Dinara back to LIFE

Apart from creating important and quality institutional conditions for nature conservation, emphasis is also given on involvement of the local population. Within this project, the idea is to provide strong support for development of agricultural activities and tourism services whose values are based on coexistence with nature.

The activities planned for the next three years are not intended as a one-time event with no follow up. Their launch is just the beginning of a long-term idea about sustainable management of Mount Dinara in order to continuously provide us with its natural resources.


Grasslands restoration by planned grazing, a series of unwanted vegetation removal activities and controlled burning as well as encouraging local population in sustainable extensive livestock farming. 


Developing preconditions for sustainable dry grasslands management and recognition of the Dinaric region nature as a key factor in the life quality of the local population.

Project partners

The partnership structure includes relevant institutions from various sectors that are motivated and capable of creating favourable conditions for sustainable use of natural resources in the project area.

Nature conservation is possible only if it involves everyone who is connected to it, uses it or simply lives with it. Each of us joined the project for a reason; each of us has a unique perspective and contributes to the project activities.

Activity calendar