Join us at the first meetings of the Dinara back to LIFE Collaborative Council!

Within Dinara back to LIFE project we are kick-starting a Collaborative Council, an unformal group of interested parties to take part in the project

The first meetings of the Dinara back to LIFE Collaborative Council will be held in Vrlika and Sinj at the beginning of next week, to which we invite all interested citizens, as well as representatives of associations, societies and institutions who want to get acquainted with the project and who wish to take part in it. The meeting in Vrlika will be held on Monday, June 14, at the Ero restaurant from 6 to 8 pm, while the meeting in Sinj is a day later, on Tuesday, June 15, at the Alkar Hotel (6 to 8 pm).

By establishing Collaborative Councils and holding meetings, our objective is to gather associates and others interested in the topic of the project and provide them with the opportunity to get involved in the project, monitor its implementation, and enrich and add value to project activities.

“Dinara back to LIFE” is a project aimed at the restoration of Dinaric grasslands due to their importance for nature and overall biodiversity, and all interested in the area and topics of the project are invited to the Collaborative Council – representatives of hunters, beekeepers, ranchers, mountaineering associations tourist workers, family farm owners, as well as all other interested public. Council meetings are open to all!

At the meetings, we will also present a traveling thematic exhibition of photographs “Return to nature – Dinara back to LIFE”, inspired by people from the project area and their words. Namely, in May and June 2020, the representatives of the Dinara back to LIFE project collected public attitudes and opinions about the Dinara mountain and its values ​​that are important to people. Through the selection of 15 comments and suitable photos, the common values ​​that Dinara provides to everyone are summarized, and each of the selected comments is related to an individual photo. The aim of the exhibition is to emphasize how important the Dinara is for nature and for people, and to point out the role of all of us in preserving its natural wealth.


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