Working Together Towards Grasslands Sustainability (Cross-sectoral Approach)

We present you the results and impressions of the “Dinara back to LIFE” project conference “Working together towards grassland sustainability (cross-sectoral approach)”

The international conference ” Working Together Towards Grasslands Sustainability (Cross-sectoral Approach)” was held from March 21 to 24 in Sinj. The aim and purpose of the meeting were to bring together experts from different sectors of agriculture, local action groups, forestry, nature protection, and local self-government units, and to encourage joint action for long-term grassland management. About a hundred participants of the four-day program had the opportunity to network and hear the experiences of domestic and foreign experts on various challenges in the sustainable use of grasslands and the management of Natura 2000. On the last day of the conference, the participants visited the areas where the activities of the Dinara back to LIFE project are carried out.

We’d like to express our gratitude to the lecturers, presenters and participants who came from several countries and contributed to the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Quotes from the event

Topics and lecturers

Common agriculture policy session

IACS rural development measures and biodiversity of Croatia in the new CAP 2023-2027, Bojan Ivanetić, Levantada Ltd.

Short distribution chains in the Dinara area, Marin Čagalj

The role of regional administration in rural development, Katarina Šuta, Split-Dalmatia County

LEADER approach in local rural development, Ivana Žanko, LAG “Cetinska Krajina˝

Secrets of successful organic production, Frano Moro, FFamily farm Moro

Apiculture and rural development, Antonio Mravak, FAH Mravak

Cooperation as a key factor for a successful farming, Karla Škorjanc, Agricultural Cooperative Otok Krk

Grassland conservation

Finding the optimal management of valuable grasslands and its sustainability, Integrated LIFE project Jedna příroda, Klára Čámská, Roman Hamersky, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic

The role of common pastures in grassland conservation, Iris Beneš, Brod Ecological Society

Landscape maintenance with grazing animals – focus on nature conservation and biodiversity, Stefan Knöpfer, Hirtenkultur

Grassland restoration as a prerequisite for preserving the identity of the island of Cres, Ugo Toić, Otočna razvojna agencija Ltd.

Forestry and nature protection session

What Natura 2000 means for forestry, Ivan Martinić, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology

Forestry and Natura 2000 – how it works in Slovenia, Ivan Martinić, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology

Ecomanager project, Mile Radočaj, Croatian Forests Ltd.

Presentation: Naturavita project, Fearless Velebit project, Karlovac Karst project, Blaž Štefanek, Croatian Forests Ltd.

Prescribed burning and wildfires session

Controlled burning of grasslands and its effects on the vegetation, Vedran Šegota, Faculty of Science, Zagreb University

Wildfire effects on soil and water, Domina Delač, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University)

Prescribed burning – the examples from Europe, Ivan Budinski, Association Biom

Livestock breeding session and Grazing for nature session

Grazing and animal welfare on karstic grasslands, Antun Kostelić, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University

Local livestock breeds on Dinara Mountains, Ante Ivanković, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University

Istrian native cattle breed and sustainable land management, Gordan Šubara, AZRRI

Mixed grazing, Josip Leto, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University

Optimised usage of karstic grasslands on Dinara Mountains, Hrvoje Kutnjak, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University

Workshop session

Natura 2000 and Restoration Law, Marina Škunca, Eurosite

Regional action for preserving mobile pastoralism and nature, Engin Yilmaz, Yolda Initiative & Alliance for Mediterranean Nature and  Culture

Engagement of volunteers in nature conservation, Zdravko Budimir, Association Biom

Here you will find full conference report